Thank You

Today is the four year anniversary of this blog starting. I began it to have an online presence to support my then fledgling publication aspirations. If all goes as planned those dreams will become reality later this year.It has been a busy four years.

  • This site has seen:
  • 61 posts
  • 2,826 visitors
  • Had 7,936 views
  • And 379 comments from you
  • 87 people receive each post via email

Thank you for reading my thoughts and for encouraging and supporting my efforts. It is very gratifying to hear from you both through the comments on my blog and the private emails you send me in response to a post. It has been a wonderful way to connect with family and friends and to reconnect with people I’d lost track of.

I plan to continue sharing my observations on life and progress on my publication journey. I hope I’ve made you smile, brought a tear from time to time, maybe even made you laugh out loud on occasion. Mostly, I want to give you hope and help you believe that it is never too late to follow your dreams. So think about what you want to be someday, I won’t say when you grow up… who wants to do that?

I leave you with this promise of things to come.

Thanks for keeping me company on this journey. Enjoy!

12 thoughts on “Thank You”

  1. Kim: Thank you for being the WONDERFUL person that you are. I’m very proud to call you a friend as well as a relative. Love, Fred

  2. You got it so right with the “made [me] you smile, brought a tear from time to time and maybe even made [me] you laugh out loud”. I love reading what you have written and look forward to your book. It is an honor to keep you company.

  3. Your journey has provided not only food for thought but food for the soul as well. I look forward to continuing to follow the path … 🥰

  4. I will always follow your journey. I’m either behind you or walking side by side with you. God blessed you with so many talents and skills thanks for sharing them with me and thank you for taking me in this journey.

  5. So very proud of you, Kim! I can’t wait to read your book! I’m sure more accolades will be forthcoming!

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