Yesterday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland. Overnight wet snow had fallen and covered the ground and painted the tree branches white. It was beautiful to look at and we didn’t have to leave the house.
The magnolias look a little strange with white layers on their leaves. The bits of pink peeking through are my camellias that bloom this time of year.

My bird house is inaccessible at the moment and the woods look as peaceful and lovely as a Robert Frost poem.
It was the perfect kind of snow for packing into snow balls for throwing or creating men. And it began melting off the trees early in the day so we didn’t have down branches that bring on power outages. It melted off the sidewalk and a lot of the driveway and roads. Today the sun is coming out and I’m certain we’ll only have a few patches by the end of the day.
I’m sure those of you who are regularly shoveling mountains of white stuff and driving through blizzards think I’m slightly touched in the head. Growing up in Wisconsin I had my fill of that as well. Now I live as far north as I ever want to and in that perfect place where a snowfall is a thing of beauty instead of a dreaded routine event. Stay warm and enjoy the wonder around you!