Christmas 2020

In lieu of cards this year, we humbly offer this bit of verse. Yes – we – Jim helped, too.

With apologies to Clement Clark Moore.

Twas only days before Christmas in the year 2020,
The people all knew there was COVID aplenty.

Stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Since before Halloween, with no treats to share.

The children were antsy in their kitchen classroom,
And tried to learn fractions from a teacher on Zoom.

The carriers weren't wanting any more mail to tote,
Too tired from delivering all that stuff for the vote.

Jim in his bandana and I in my mask, 
Tried to decide if we're up for the task -

Of celebrating Christmas with joy in our hearts,
Even if we're at home - stuck in these parts;

COVID hit our family in a cold Northern state,
We await quarantines to discover their fate.

We're tired and depressed from just staying at home.
We're ready to travel - the wide world to roam.

More rapid than cheetahs this year's woes came, 
With jeering and sadness I call them by name.

First COVID, Then Shutdowns, Then Fraud and Jobs Lost,
And the media just rants through it all - without any cost.

I can't deal with this nonsense even one moment more, 
It's made me forget what this season is for;

A babe in a manger who became our True Hope -
A Savior to guide us, to help us to cope.

A shining Light for us all, especially now,
Showing Christ's precious love to each one somehow.

So wherever you're found on this Christmas day,
From deep in our hearts we wanted to say:

God Bless, Merry Christmas, Raise up some cheer,
A toast for you all, "To a No COVID New Year!"

From Kim and Jim