
The email from the Harlequin editors said “We are passing on acquiring this manuscript.” A gentler way of saying we are rejecting it. My husband says it’s not personal, just business. He knows about the harsh business of publications from his academic career where rejection letters are usually more plentiful than revise and resubmits or the coveted acceptances. I am thankful they made their determination quickly so I can regroup and plan my next course of action.

My fruit of the spirit has always been persistence. I know it’s not on the official list but I’ve always thought it was the combination of patience and faithfulness. Some interpretations say forbearance or endurance are on the list. I believe persistence is the very active form of endurance. So…I will persist in my writing.

After getting the notice from the Editors, my dreams were filled with the characters from my various stories, both the two rejected and those in progress. They all seem to be telling me that they still want to be heard and I am the one to make that happen. So I will continue to write their stories…even if the editors don’t hear my characters telling their stories yet, they will.

After all, I am still an author….just an unpublished one.

10 thoughts on “Persistence”

  1. They need to come to their senses. Your writing is visual, evokes emotion, makes the reader want more- all the best traits. Maybe you should just start a movie manuscript instead. I’m so ready to see your more than deserving name on a “credit “ .

  2. I am so looking forward to seeing your books in publication. I know it’s going to happen. You have never let anything defeat you so I know this won’t either. Keep writing!!!

  3. Persistence is the key to any success we want to achieve in life. I always hear the comments of many of my peers, friends and co-workers that I am crazy to go back to school to work on my doctoral degree. My husband and children knows how persistent I am when I want to achieve excellence…it is persitence. So, my friend, keep writing all the beautiful, inspiring articles and you will achieve your goals.

  4. I cried when I received my first rejection letter; even more with the many that followed. I think the worst were the silent rejections. I am currently struggling with waiting and not letting the rejections define me. I love your attitude. You are a writer and if you don’t let words flow from your hands then you will slowly suffocate. Let your characters live! Let your words come alive! Write! Live in the passion and thrill of the moment. Keep pressing on. So proud of you.

  5. Daddy once told me failure is not an option, just another opportunity to do it better. The anticipation of reading your stories is killing me!

  6. Yes, my friend you are an author…and a very good one! As with most things in life, if it comes too easily it is not nearly as sweet when it arrives. Keep writing….it WILL happen.

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