National Reading Month

March is National Reading Month. After dancing around between different months it was moved to March to honor Dr. Suess, Theodor Geisel, whose birthday was this month. It seems appropriate that the author who introduced reading to many of us should be remembered this way.

Every month is reading month for me. Since I had my first book published, I have been introduced to many new authors with The Wild Rose Press who write in genres I had not previously read. I have had new worlds to explore in time travel, horror, and paranormal romances. The bookclub I joined at its inception several years ago has also introduced me to authors I would not normally gravitate to. I will confess, I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed all of them, but I have found some that I was delightfully surprised to be disappointed when their stories ended.

The last three weeks I’ve been immersed in Michelangelo’s life as recorded by Irving Stone in The Agony and The Ecstasy. The historian in me loves all the background information about the politics of Italy, the influences of the Catholic Church and the Popes who commissioned Michelangelo’s works. Stone is so descriptive you will be breathing in the marble dust right along with the sculptor. It is a long read (over 800 pages) but it is worth every page.

The other change to my reading habit is e-books on my tablet. A lot of authors share electronic copies of their books when you sign up to be an early reader/reviewer. It took a while for me to get the setting right so the glare didn’t bother me. I only read them in the morning. At night, I dive into the physical book on my nightstand before I turn out the light. While the e-books have allowed me to read a number of books at a much lower cost than a paperback or hardback book, they will never replace the feel of a physical volume in heart. And, as an author, they can’t measure up to the sense of accomplishment I feel when I see my books displayed at the local Barnes and Noble. 

I read differently now. I’ve always liked well-developed characters and looked for an intriguing plot, but now I notice the book’s editing. Typos call out to me and I’m more aware of punctuation. Having been through the editing process for five different books with two talented editors, I have a new appreciation for the person or persons behind the author. A great editor helps the author polish their prose until it shines. They know what components are and are not essential to the story. They catch timeline glitches you missed. Most importantly, they know how to communicate with the author so they can see beyond their pride of creation to make changes when they are needed. And the best editors understand communication is a two-way street. Sometimes they are the listener. I have been blessed with talented, caring editors and senior editors who have improved my stories before they get to you.

I hope this month you will make certain you have a book waiting to be read beside your favorite chair or on your nightstand. If electronic is your thing, may your e-reader be loaded with marvelous tales. I wish you time to sit down and relax, the luxury to escape to somewhere new, and the excitement of meeting new book friends. If any of your reading selections happen to be one of mine—even better (Can you see me smiling?) Enjoy!   

8 thoughts on “National Reading Month”

  1. Hi Kim! Finishing up a fantasy novel and then I get to indulge in the two of yours I bought a while back! Can’t wait! Carol

  2. I thoroughly loved this post. Thank you so much for sharing. I am on exactly the same page you describe with regard a writers viewpoint since working with editors behind the scenes. Just one thing, I also receive copies of ARCS. I don’t know if you send them to your kindle. I can’t bear reading them from my laptop.

  3. Love, love books! Paperback and hardcover stacked on night stand. Digital books on my iPad are bought thru Kindle or loaned thru local library network. I read fiction and non-fiction. Lately, a lot of travel and biographies. My favorite fiction writer is of course our Kim Janine Ligon! Hugs!!

  4. Nothing like physically turning a page, and I’ve turned the pages of your books multiple times!

  5. Thanks for your reminder of the blessings a good book brings. This winter, I have read 10 books … from a riveting book about arthritis to Nicholas Sparks’ latest, Counting Miracles. I haven’t migrated to e-books yet. Still enjoy the printed page! Thanks Kim!!

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