Hard to believe another year has almost passed. What a year it has been.
We’re still hearing the word Covid too much for my taste. I’d hoped we’d be past it by now. When ominicron showed it’s head, I was afraid we’d be robbed of Christmas with family again this year but we successfully traveled and saw and hugged and made merry. Then when we returned home found out several people tested positive on Sunday and Monday. It was worth the risk. There is no substitute for seeing loved ones in person. So far we’re just as we were before the trip…health wise.
My editor has the first set of edits but is enjoying a well deserved holiday herself. I’m looking forward to 2022 to finish the publishing process and to be able to tell you when “Polly’s List” will be hitting print.
My unexpected gift at the end of the year was reconnecting with my best friend from high school. We haven’t seen each other in 30 years or communicated in four or five years, but we got caught up a little on a lengthy phone call yesterday. Maybe it’s just that I’m getting older, but I really treasure my old friends and appreciate them as much as my new ones. I think that was an old Girl Scout song: make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver and the other Gold.
My fervent wishes for 2022 are:
* for everyone who is tired of wearing masks to be able to take them off. Go ahead if you feel better wearing them, but don't force others to. *for children to be able to play and enjoy being children....outside....with each other...while laughing! Less video and more real life scraped knees and all. *for our leaders to remember what made America unique, strong and successful so we can return to that path of promise. History is important, not something to be disavowed or forgotten. (Remember, I'm a history major.) *for the people we love to know that we do. Always. No matter what. *for Covid and mandates to be in the rear view mirror. *for each of us to find a way to become our best selves and to share our talents where they will be most appreciated.
I know some of my wishes are reaches. Generations before us handled world wars, devastating epidemics, the Great Depression, inflation, mad men in political power, and personal disasters. They reached out to find better. We must too!